TEAMJRF Competition Prep


TEAMJRF Competition Prep

$200.00 every month

Off-Season/In-Season Competition Prep

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Competition Prep brings a whole different mindset when it comes to bringing your best physique to the stage. This is true whether it’s your first time or if you’re a veteran. Each comprehensive Training and Meal plan is tailored specifically to your category and will ensure you are at your best physique when show day comes. You can rest assured that every single thing from show selection, suit color, and posing is covered. Heres whats included:

  • Both Offseason and In Season, both are equally as important

  • Customized Meal Plans (Offered in JRF Training App)

  • Customized Training Programs (Offered in JRF Training App)

  • Customized Cardio Regiments (Offered in JRF Training App)

  • Posing (In Person and Online)

  • Posing and Competition Suit Advice

  • Detailed Peak Week Preparation

  • Supplementation Advice

  • 24/7 365 Direct contact through the JRF Training App

  • Weekly Check-Ins via JRF Training App